What is in the book

5 main sections corresponding to the 5 pillars of Sustainable Development Goals with a wrap up summary on generic actionable plan.

Global Goals for The People

People matters. It is human beings that determines the fate and the future of the planet. The vision must be correctly set.

Sustainable Development for The Planet

For now, Earth is the host to all the living species that exist on this planet. Sustainable developments will ensure the longevity of the place we all call home.

Partnership through Social Enterprise Model

Rather than the conventional profit maximization model, a new enterprise model that take cares of all stakeholders could be shaped and promoted.

Digitization Brings Prosperity

Leveraging on the digital medium and the virtual world will be the new norm as we steer towards the future. The gap between the haves and have nots must be closed.

Effective Resource Management Brings Peace

A more transparent, fair, and open system in resource distribution will lessen the dispute and create a more harmony social contract.

What Next?

We hold in our hands the power to shape our future. It is our collaborative efforts that will ensure a bright and sustainable future for generations to come.

Global Goals : Every Achievement Counts

People. Planet. Partnership. Peace. Prosperity.

This Book Is Meant For

  • Leaders
  • Policy Makers
  • Decision Makers
  • Youth Leaders
  • Civil Society Organizations
  • Developers (Technology & Real Estates)

And anyone who are interested to explore further on the 5 Pillars of Sustainable Development: People, Planet, Partnership, Peace, and Prosperity.

Embrace Change. Ensure Continuity.
Start something somewhere, somehow. Making sustainability a daily practice.

5 Main Sections

These sections correspond to each of the SDGs pillar, Sustainable Development for our Planet, Global Goals for the People, Partnership through Social Enterprise model, achieve Prosperity through Digital Transformation, and effective Resource Management to settle down with Peace.

Sustainable Development

A Sense of Urgency

We are the first generation to end poverty and may be the last generation to solve the climate challenge. While poverty is man-made, as most people started to realize by now, success is the only option for handling climate issues. The good news is, with more awareness and capability in handling environmental and social challenges, we can now do far more better with advancement and assistance of emerging technologies. Yet the question remains, are we willing to do that, without further ado, wholeheartedly? In what condition of our one and only planet Earth that we want our future generations to inherit?

How Do You Define Sustainability?

People may have their own definition when it comes to different things, mainly due to personal belief or experience, i.e. where they come from. It’s a matter of perspective. If we were to look from the business point of view, sustainability is none other than how long a business can survive without any revenue stream. From the environment perspective, it would be the avoidance of the depletion of natural resources in order to maintain an ecological balance. How would the 3 dimensions of sustainable development bring good to personal, community, and the world as a whole? How can the triple bottom line be fine tuned to ensure sustainability?

Circular Economy and Resilient Cities

Have you ever wondered that instead of the take, make, consume and waste model, we can actually do better with the circular model when it comes to production, especially those that consume our natural resources? How would a twist in the mindset and way of doing things make a huge difference in contributing to the impactful development of our society, economy and environment? What are the cutting-edge best practices that we could learn from success cases that ensure the livelihood of a city? What are the options for innovative green infrastructure?

About The SDGs 2030 Logo

5 Petals of The Hibiscus - Malaysia's National Flower. A gift from Malaysia to the world.

5 Petals of A Hibiscus

The Global Goals project team agreed on this BGM for the logo showcase, with the strong supporting reason of “got gamelan background, ngam with hibiscus – something similar to (tourism) Malaysia identity
  • 5 Petals of Hibiscus – Malaysia’s National Flower (Bunga Raya)
  • 5 Rukun Negara
  • 5 Pillars of Sustainable Development
  • 5 Key Positions
  • 5 Feng Shui elements